A Guide to Home Solar Panel Installation | NATIV Techniks Inc.

A Guide to Home Solar Panel Installation

We all need electricity, and most people would jump at the chance to get it cheaper than what they’re paying the power companies. A home solar panel installation is an opportunity for people in the Philippines to get cheap electricity all year long. Keep reading to learn more about how solar panels are an economical, efficient, and environmentally friendly solution to your power needs.

How Do Solar Panels Reduce Electricity Bills?

Solar panels produce electricity for as long as the sun shines on them. The more direct the sunlight, the more power they will generate.

Most properties will still be connected to the main power grid, but the system uses the solar power energy before drawing from the main supply grid. Apart from the solar panel installation and maintenance costs, energy from the sun is virtually free.

At night when the sun isn’t shining, your energy is supplied by traditional power stations. However, if you have a sufficiently large solar panel installation, you can take advantage of net metering.

When you don’t use all the energy produced by the solar panels, it goes back into the grid where it will earn credits against your energy bill. The power you use at night will be even cheaper because of the excess energy your installation can generate during the day.

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

The cost of solar panels is not insignificant, so it’s understandable that people like to know how long solar panels will last before they commit. Good quality solar panels for home like those provided by NativTechniks will generate electricity for as long as the sun shines for around 25 to 30 years.

This is plenty of time for you to recoup your installation costs up to 5 times over, especially when you factor in net metering. The net metering program is a non-fiscal scheme to encourage the generation of renewable energy. Solar panels will deliver excess power back into the grid to offset a user’s electricity consumption, even during times when the sun isn’t shining.

How Much Electricity Do Solar Panels Generate?

The Philippines has more fun in the sun because of its geographical location on the equator. More sun means your solar panels can generate more electricity. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Philippines has an average power generation capacity of around 4.5-5.5 kWh per square meter per day. A solar panel installation of 20 to 38 solar panels would generate enough electricity to run the entire household for a medium to large home, but many people are making do with fewer panels.

How Much Do Solar Panels Reduce Electricity Bills?

How much your electricity bill will be reduced will depend on how much you use. Your system will draw electrical power from traditional sources like coal at nighttime, but net metering can still provide significant savings. Most homeowners with solar panel installations in the Philippines experience savings of at least 50%, while those with more modest power requirements or living with fewer people in the home can cover most, if not all their electrical needs.

Solar Panel Installation Philippines Cost?

A home solar panel system will vary in cost as the quality of the components play a significant factor. You should take any solar panel pricing in the Philippines as an estimate only.  A small house with modest electrical needs using 5 solar panels to produce 2KWp would cost around PHP400,000. Medium-sized houses will require at least 10 panels to produce around 4kWp and cost between PHP300,000 to PHP420,000. Larger homes with room for around 38 panels will run you anywhere from PHP900,000 to PHP1,260,000.

Nativ Techniks Inc. is one of the top solar panel installation companies in the Philippines. Trusted by Corporations. Let us help you in your solar power transition. For free consultation call +639176310032.

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Comments (3)

  • Enrique Perez Reply

    Good day Sir,

    I just wanted to know how much the solar system cost for 5KW, 8KW and 10KW. I am planning to have it in the near future in my house. Please include also the installation fee. My house located at Santiago city, Isabela.


    June 18, 2023 at 1:01 pm
  • Bruce higgs Reply

    Yes sir im.looking to.put solar on my house in puerto bello leyte and would need an estimate for panels and installation please

    September 3, 2023 at 10:26 am
  • EsbeRex Reply

    interesting for a very long time

    March 5, 2024 at 10:53 pm

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